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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Muslim's hope

There's no use to shade a tear, there's no one will listen, but God. Do not take a long time to be sad, cause the u curve on your face is much more beautiful than the opposite. If something's bothering you, just tell it to the God, or make a pray. These words usually for the newly weds or some other families. To keep heart calm. And peace. InsyaAllah. Sakinah : peaceful Mawaddah : love Rahmah : mercy and blessings from God Hopefully your family and mine be completed with this perfect package. Aamiin. Just found this on twitter: kinda true.. @autocorrects: Whatever life gives you, even if it hurts you, just be strong and act like you're okay. Remember: strong walls shake but never collapse. Dear God, please take care of my little fam. Aamiin.

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