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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What would i be?

I always like to ask kids what would they be..? This is not cliche question, but to help myself find my own passion. Oh my, being a half adult is depressing. If i can say in one word, Hard. Adult people not always mature persons as well. That's matter. For some people, they can learn how to grow their minds, but some people don't, although they through the same levels of problem. The differences are in our mentality and our will. How strong those things will dominate a decision. Sometimes kids (and also adults) need a good role model. To see the way that role model solve problem, act,think and so on. Famous quote said, "treat people as you want them to treat you" that's quite true. Basically, human are the most copy-cat creature that God ever made. If you talk about modes/ fashions/ the up date things there will always 2 different sides; trendsetter and follower. That's why a trendsetter is important, to give an influence to others, to gain more follower. So, in this topic, we all have 2 options, being a trendsetter or follower (absolutely in a good way). As time flies, you will understand what's underneath every matters that happened to you.

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